Welcome to Moonbeam Stitches! I’m Heather, the creator of Moonbeam. I’ve been crocheting on and off since I was a child and my aunt taught me to chain and I did what all kids do: make a chain many feet long because that’s all we could do. It would be several years before I figured out how to turn the chain into a second row and several more before I would finally sit down to learn my favorite craft: amigurumi.
Christmas was approaching and I was searching for homemade gifts on Pinterest for my two boys. I came across a crochet pattern of a stuffed penguin and was instantly intrigued. I’d only ever crocheted scarves or hats so the idea of a toy was novel and fun. I bought the pattern and tackled it immediately but wasn’t in the headspace to learn effectively (four-month-old plus two-year-old). I also didn’t know what stitch markers were so I couldn’t figure out how to keep track of where I was through constant interruption. I put it away but vowed to pick it up again when I felt I could concentrate better.
Fast forward to March 2019 when I came across an octopus amigurumi pattern and decided to try again. This time, I decided to try out these stitch markers that everyone recommended and the light bulb went on! I still had a lot to learn but I finished the little octopus and was, as they say, hooked.
While whimsical amigurumi is my first love, I also enjoy crocheting scarves, hats, and the very occasional baby blanket. Crochet is enjoying a resurgence recently and I love seeing how modern the craft has become. Thanks for joining me here!