Author: moonbeamstitches

Getting started with amigurumi

Many of us are staying at home due to governmental restrictions concerning the spread of COVID-19. This is the perfect time to learn new skills and practice your technique. You’re already home – may as well have something to show for it!

Working with your hands requires focus and discipline, especially when learning a new stitch or technique. Crochet has been my breath of fresh air during this endless cycle of business and school closings. Stop the endless scrolling through bad news, jumbling your thought process and raising your heart rate, and use your hands for something productive! I guarantee you that focusing your mind on a physical project will increase your mental clarity.

So if you’re looking for a new craft to learn, I highly recommend amigurumi! Amigurumi is the craft of crocheting or knitting small, stuffed creatures. The monetary barrier is low, requiring only yarn and a hook to start learning.

Indie dyers to obsess over

Have you ever dyed yarn? Me either! You have? Do tell! I had no idea there was such a robust indie yarn-dyeing scene until I fell down the rabbit hole of Instagram. And let me tell you, that is one gorgeous speckled and hued rabbit hole!

Below are some of my favorite U.S. dyers to stalk. The yarn isn’t cheap but it’s small-batch and unique – nothing like what you get from a big box store. I usually see crocheters and knitters using wool like this for wearables like hats and shawls but I don’t see why you couldn’t use it for amigurumi. Your project would sure stand out from the rest!

Favorite Crafting Podcasts

I don’t know about you but my life might be one big scroll-fest if not for podcasts! The moment I start a podcast, I know it’s time to put down my phone and get to work. I can’t always listen while I crochet (hi, Rozeta) but most of the time I enjoy the audio distraction. Especially when I’m working on amigurumi, my true love!

I’ve realized lately that the format of podcasts I prefer are different than the podcasts that tend to get a lot of press, like serialized crime or story-telling podcasts. I gravitate toward conversational ones where I learn something and the pace is quick. Below are two crochet/fiber podcasts I listen to on the regular and two bonuses I enjoy, which are related to my other hobbies.

What you’ll find here

Hi friends! Welcome to Moonbeam! If you want to learn more about me, start here or on my welcome page.

What are you about?

You can expect to find all things crochet here, with a focus on amigurumi. Anything from pattern and tutorial round-ups, tips, what I’m working on, anything like that! I love Instagram just like everyone else but sometimes you just want a deeper dive, you know?

What are you NOT about?

Patterns of trademarked characters. I’ve made the decision not to make any trademarked characters due to trademark infringement. But Heather, you say, Baby Yoda is so cute! And Disney already makes so much money! I know! But that’s how you end up making a bunch of Pikachus instead of what you really want to make. Plus it’s technically illegal and can get your shop shut down. So it’s an across-the-board ban of trademarked characters for me.

You probably also won’t find blanket patterns because I just don’t have the attention span to finish a blanket. Maybe if I still lived in Colorado and experienced actual winter instead of whatever central Texas decides to dish out. Heck, by the time I finish a hat it could be hot and muggy again!

In conclusion

Thanks for visiting me. We all need creative outlets and this is mine!

Available in my Etsy shop!

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