Category: Advice

One Penguin, Two Ways

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No, we’re not eating penguin! We’re looking at two different iterations of the same pattern. YES, these amigurumi penguins were both made from the SAME pattern. A bit shocking, right? This is the difference a year of experience makes.

Let’s dive in.

My first attempt at Pippin was about a year ago. He was my second or third attempt at amigurumi and I hardly knew what I was doing! Let’s go through everything I learned between these two penguins.

On Pattern Writing and Perseverance

Pineapple pattern and made-to-order llama are both available at my Etsy shop

I recently released my first amigurumi pattern into the universe: a happy, textured pineapple. The experience of pattern-writing and the work it entails was certainly eye-opening. Crochet designers put a LOT of time and energy into their patterns; so much is trial and error, ripping out what you’ve done and trying again. Then when you get your prototype done and your first draft of instructions written, you do it AGAIN to test whether you wrote it down correctly the first (or seventh) time. And if you’re including step-by-step pictures you’ll need to take those during your tests which means you need good lighting and a healthy chunk of time, etc. It’s a lot!

But don’t get overwhelmed! Below are three tips for pattern-writing newbies from a recent newbie herself who emerged on the other side.

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