Category: Round-Up

How to Display Your Amigurumi

A round-up of cute shelves

This post may contain affiliate links to products I recommend to you all. If you click on one of these links and decide you’d like to make a purchase, I will make a small commission (at no extra cost to you).

Amigurumi aren’t just for playtime! One of my favorite things to do with my amigurumi is to move them around the house on different shelves. Keep reading for some cute shelving recommendations to display your amigurumi.

Alternatives to Safety Eyes

Two sleeping unicorns lay on a white background with greenery.

Safety eyes are an essential craft tool that add personality to your amigurumi. If you’re making your amigurumi for a young child though, you may want to reconsider the use of safety eyes. As always with small objects, there is a risk of choking if the safety eyes come loose.

There are so many cute alternatives to safety eyes! I’ve compiled some options for you so keep reading!

Organic Cotton Yarn for Amigurumi

This post may contain affiliate links to products I recommend to you all. If you click on one of these links and decide you’d like to make a purchase, I will make a small commission (at no extra cost to you).

Red and blue Oh baby Organic yarn from Lion Brand rests on a white background with greenery and a straw placemat.

Many amigurumi makers choose pure cotton yarn for their amigurumi. They want the softest and purest choices for little ones – items that parents and makers can both feel good about. But what if you want to take it a step further and source organic cotton yarn?

Six Mommy and Baby Animal Crochet Patterns

Six mommy and baby crochet amigurumi patterns

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, so what better pattern round-up than a collection of six mommy-and-baby animal crochet amigurumi patterns! These are adorable for any occasion, but Mother’s Day or baby showers stand out as great gifting opportunities.

Three Amigurumi Crochet Patterns to Level Up Your Amigurumi Game

A white bunny with pink ears, a tan muzzle, and a peach dress lays atop greenery. Keep reading for three patterns to level up your crochet amigurumi game.

Ever scroll through Instagram, pause on an image and think, wow, that’s next level!

We’ll go into the reasons why and I’ll share three amigurumi crochet patterns that will teach new skills, add visual interest to your projects, and level up your amigurumi game.

Indie dyers to obsess over

Have you ever dyed yarn? Me either! You have? Do tell! I had no idea there was such a robust indie yarn-dyeing scene until I fell down the rabbit hole of Instagram. And let me tell you, that is one gorgeous speckled and hued rabbit hole!

Below are some of my favorite U.S. dyers to stalk. The yarn isn’t cheap but it’s small-batch and unique – nothing like what you get from a big box store. I usually see crocheters and knitters using wool like this for wearables like hats and shawls but I don’t see why you couldn’t use it for amigurumi. Your project would sure stand out from the rest!

Favorite Crafting Podcasts

I don’t know about you but my life might be one big scroll-fest if not for podcasts! The moment I start a podcast, I know it’s time to put down my phone and get to work. I can’t always listen while I crochet (hi, Rozeta) but most of the time I enjoy the audio distraction. Especially when I’m working on amigurumi, my true love!

I’ve realized lately that the format of podcasts I prefer are different than the podcasts that tend to get a lot of press, like serialized crime or story-telling podcasts. I gravitate toward conversational ones where I learn something and the pace is quick. Below are two crochet/fiber podcasts I listen to on the regular and two bonuses I enjoy, which are related to my other hobbies.

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