I don’t know about you but my life might be one big scroll-fest if not for podcasts! The moment I start a podcast, I know it’s time to put down my phone and get to work. I can’t always listen while I crochet (hi, Rozeta) but most of the time I enjoy the audio distraction. Especially when I’m working on amigurumi, my true love!
I’ve realized lately that the format of podcasts I prefer are different than the podcasts that tend to get a lot of press, like serialized crime or story-telling podcasts. I gravitate toward conversational ones where I learn something and the pace is quick. Below are two crochet/fiber podcasts I listen to on the regular and two bonuses I enjoy, which are related to my other hobbies.
The BHooked Podcast
BHooked was my first foray into the fiber podcast world and what an introduction! Brittany conducts interviews with all kinds of fun guests and covers such a wide variety of fiber topics that I’m sure you’ll find something that strikes your fancy. Brittany is currently revamping her site and podcast so she hasn’t had new episodes in a couple of months but if you’re new to the pod, this is a perfect time to go through the archives and get caught up. Some of my recent favorites were Episode 139, Dyeing Yarn and Leveling Up Your Projects, and Episode 119, De-Stress with Crochet & Spread Your Message.
Merriweather Council Podcast
Danielle from the Merriweather Council has a podcast specifically dedicated to makers. Danielle’s expertise is in Etsy and how to make the platform work for you as a handmade artist. But that’s not all! Her podcast covers topics like marketing, money, inspiration, and anything your maker heart could desire. Episodes that resonated strongly with me were Episode 38, Information Overload, and Episode 98, How to Combat Underpricing on Etsy.
Another Mother Runner Podcast
I balance out my crafting with running. Running has been a part of my life since my early 20s and it helps keep me sane just like crocheting. This is my absolute favorite running podcast – I love the inspiration to stay active and hearing from guests like Shalane Flanagan and Deena Kastor. Listening to people talk about running while I’m on a treadmill keeps me going!
What Should I Read Next?
Where are my reader friends?? What Should I Read Next is the podcast by Anne Bogel of Modern Mrs. Darcy, and it obviously tackles the question of what you’re going to read next! This is a conversational podcast where Anne asks her guests three books they liked, one book they hated, and what they’re currently reading. Then she recommends what they should read next. I love all the recommendations and the wide range of guests, from normal people like you and me, bookstore owners, and even authors! If (when) I get into a reading rut, I just give an episode a listen and I’m off to my library (app) with a list of recommendations to get back into reading. Definitely check this one out if you haven’t already!
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